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Chicksands Learning  Resource Centre

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The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is based in building 325 and houses the site’s library. The library mainly consists of military books and maps but does also have a diverse collection of fiction books, donated by departing service personnel.

To borrow a military themed book from the library section you will need to attend the LRC to obtain a library card, however, if you want to borrow a fiction book you can just take them from the shelves.

Adjoining the LRC are 2 well-presented classrooms containing 3 MoDNet computers and printers and 4 TLan OS computers and 2 printers, 1 colour and 1 black and white, numerous dry wipe boards, flip charts, photocopier and free GovWiFi. These can be booked via the LRC staff and when the library section is closed these areas become study rooms and are available 24/7, we also have  a trolley with donated books  which are available to all.

Within the LRC they are 3 colour themed areas for study and an area of soft furnishing for ‘quiet’ time, meetings, and discussions, within this area is a large screen tv for keeping up to date with current new events.

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Learning Development Officer/LRC Manager

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Educations and Resettlement

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LRC Assistant

The LDO creates and presents CPD for trainees and trainers on a variety of topics, they also work on a 1-2-1 basis with trainees struggling with their study skills, exam stress and organisation whilst on their courses. The LDO is also the lead on SpLD (specific learning differences) across the site and can conduct DAST (dyslexia adult screening test) with anyone who feels they may be dyslexic due to family history or have been told in the past they may be. The LDO can also offer guidance to studying with a SpLD.

The Ed&Res officer deals with all military personnel who are leaving the service  whether through end of service retirement, own choice (NTT) or Medical Discharge. Offering support and advice throughout the resettlement process, including information on entitlements  and opportunities and benefits with our partners in resettlement.

The Ed & Res Officer is also the POC for all Learning Credits across site. 

The LRC assistant has front of house duties and is responsible for maintaining, stocking, updating all of the books within the library collection using the online Liberty system. The Liberty system catalogues all books within the library and personnel can access the system to search through the collection for a book, author, or subject. This system can be accessed via the below link. The LRC assistant also deals with requests for books from other military libraries such as Whitehall, classroom bookings and library memberships.

Below is a brief summary of the different types of learning credits available to personnel.

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Standard Learning Credits 

Standard Learning Credits (SLCs)

  • A yearly fund for multiple, small scale learning running from 1 Apr-31 Mar each year.

  • SP may claim 80% of fees, up to a maximum of £175 per financial year.

  • SLC can be applied for multiple courses until all funding is exhausted in that financial year, if it is not used, it is lost.

  • SLC is a refund scheme.


Enhanced Learning Credits

Enhanced Learning Credits (ELCs)

The ELC scheme supports eligible SP or Service Leaders (SL) with the cost of enhancing their education, academic, professional, or vocational achievements at Level 3 (A Level) or above. Personnel are entitled to three ELC’s throughout their career, beginning after 6 years’ service at the lower tier at the 8 year point of service.

The three types are –

  • Lower Tier level which provides funding for up to a maximum of 3 awards of up to £1k per FY.

  • The Aggregated Lowe Tier award, which provides a single award of up to £3k for SP who have completed 6 or more years’ qualifying service on or after 1 Apr 16.

  • The Higher Tier level provides funding for up to a maximum of 3 awards of up to £2k per FY. SP must have completed 8 or more years’ qualifying service.

The ELC scheme is not a refund scheme and claims must be submitted in advance. SP are expected to make a maximum 20% contribution against any claim. Claims do not need to be made in consecutive years and can be used up to 5 years after discharge.

Useful Links

Check out our Library

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