From 0900-1300hrs on Thu 21 Sep all water provisions provided by Severn Trent Water to this site will cease, this means there will be no mains supplied water over this period. This outage will allow Severn Trent to carry out critical work to the site’s water supply following the removal of the water tower at the south gate.
It is recommended that those who can work from home in morning do so, due to lack of ablutions over this period. All training environments will have portaloos placed outside to cover the outage, ensuring training can continue uninterrupted.
Personnel that must work during the outage are to ensure that they have sufficient drinking water (kettles, water bottles) to sustain them for the duration of the outage (filled before 0900hrs). All Personnel are encouraged to carry a filled issue water bottle / gym bottle.
Should the outage extend longer than the planned 4-hr period, bottled water drop points will be located throughout site; locations will be disseminated via these means, social media and Welfare Office if they are required.
All physical training activities will cease over the duration of the outage with the Gym being closed due the lack of ablutions / showers.
Messing on site will be consolidated in the JRM for lunch, further information will be disseminated by the FSWO in due course.
SO3 fire has been in contact with the local Fire Service and informed them of the planned water outage. Should there be any requirement for the Fire Service to visit this site they will arrive with the appropriate equipment.
Medical and Dental services should cease for the duration of the outage, any appointments during this time will need to be re-scheduled.
The message below will be pushed out via Chicksands Chatters and any other social media platforms by the Welfare Team.
On Thursday the 21st of Sept from 0900 to 1300 all water provisions from Severn Trent will cease, to that end there will be no mains supplied water on camp over this period.
All occupants of SFA are to ensure they have stored sufficient water to sustain themselves for the 4-hr duration of the water outage. Should the outage go beyond the 3 hr period, bottled water will dropped off at designated points throughout SFA. Anyone unable to collect water should contact the Welfare Officer Hatton, Alan (JITG-J1-Welfare-Officer) to arrange alternate means of access.”