Clubs & Groups
All groups listed below are open for all to join and be involved in, for more information on a group or club, please contact them directly.
If you are interested in starting a new club, or would like to use the community room for another activity; please contact the DITG Welfare Team as we'd love to hear from you.
Military Wives Choir
Wednesdays 7:15pm
Gilbertine Church
No auditions no requirement to be able to read music, come along and have fun in this friendly group. Follow us on social media or email:
How often is your body and your mind in the same place at the same time?
Bringing mind and body
together allows you to establish a sense of peace.
Every Wednesday at the Gilbertine centre
Contact Padre Terry Wright for more details.
Youth Club
Tranquil club for anyone aged 8+ who needs a quieter calmer environment – Tuesday 5-6.30
Senior Youth Club for anyone in school year 8+ -Tuesday 7-9
Junior Youth Club for anyone aged 8-11 – Thursday 5-7
Gardening Club
Please check ‘Chicksands Chatters’ for updates or contact
Bethan Morton for more details.
Chicksands Cadets
For information please
contact Mr Andy Hunt on
01234 353 291
Badminton Club
Usual gym policy applies,
Please check ‘Chicksands Chatters’ for updates
or contact Bethan Morton for more details.