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Service Families Accommodation

Chicksands boasts some of the best Service Families Accommodation (SFA) in the country, offering housing for any family size or requirements. From 2 to 4 bed houses and a small selection of twin house for larger families, you are sure to be allocated a quarter which fulfils your specific needs.


On this page you will find all you need to know on SFA, from initial applications and move-ins to removals and march-outs.

Key Events 

Families Briefs

First and Third Mondays of Each Month


Gilbertine Centre

Open to all families and service persons on site, hosted by the Unit Welfare Officer and attended by the other welfare staff to answer any and all questions you may have and to introduce you to the Welfare Team.


Find you what we can do for you, keep up to date with current events and any issues you may have come across or currently dealing with. 


Worth a visit and connect with your community and others who may be new to the site.

SFA Housing Surgery

Second Thursday of Each Month

10:00am Gilbertine Centre

DIO along with representatives from Amey and Pinnacle will hold a Housing Surgery for Chicksands SFA occupants in the Cafe area at the Gilbertine Centre.


The purpose of the Housing Surgery is to enable you to raise an issue/concern(s) directly to the personnel representing the 3 organisations.

Pinnacle Service Families

When you are in a position where you would like to apply for an SFA, whether under entitlement or if you think you are eligible, you will need to firstly make sure you fit the criteria. You can check this via your admin office or by reading JSP 464.


All allocation requests go direct to Pinnacle and they check your criteria to ascertain if you are indeed entitled or eligible. 


To apply for an SFA, you will need to submit the electronic form e1132 via MODNet. Please ensure you have your valid assignment order with the reference number in order to complete the form. 


You can contact Pinnacle on their Help Desk by calling 0800 031 8628


or visit their website here...

Once you have been allocated an SFA you will need to ensure you keep yourself up to date during the process, it is a simple one but life can get in the way. 


If you require help whether you are moving in or out, or have some questions; please contact the Welfare team.


You can find some useful guides and information you need for a successful move in or march out here...

Repairs & Fault Reporting

No matter what the fault or issue with your SFA, Pinnacle is the first point of contact. You must inform Amey of any faults in order to arrange the required repairs.


Below you can find the latest and up-to-date fault reporting processes...


When the time comes for you to move out and you are arranging removals, always check with your admin office what you are entitled to before applying for removals.


Once you are ready to arrange removals, you can contact Agility here...

Included on the Agility website is all the information and details you need to conduct a successful move.


If you have any questions or queires regarding your move, please contact the Welfare team.

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